廣東話 香港人 結婚 婚禮 用常用字

Wedding in Hong Kong , useful vocabularies and words in Chinese style / Hong Kong style banquet.

過大禮gwo3 daai6 lai5 betrothal gift giving
回禮 wui4 lai5gifts returning
斟茶zam1 caa4wedding tea ceremony
接新娘zip3 san1 noeng2pick bride
禮金lai5 gam1bride price
人情jan4 cing4 cash gift
金器gam1 hei3gold plated
姊妹zi2 mui6 bridesmaids
兄弟hing1 dai6groomsmen
伴郎bun6 long2best man
伴娘bun6 noeng2maid of honor
結婚誓詞git3 fan1 sai6 ci4wedding vow
男家naam4 gaa1 the bridegroom’s family
女家neoi5 gaa1the bride’s side
敬酒ging3 zau2make a toast
進場zeon3 coeng4 to march into the arena
送客sung3 haak3 to see visitor out
梳頭so1 tau4 the hair combing ceremony
試妝si3 zong1bridal make up trial
開門利士hoi1 mun4 lei6 si6open door money
攝影師sip3 jing2 si1photographer
化妝師faa3 zong1 si1make up artist
新娘san1 noeng4bride
新郎san1 long4bridegroom
餅卡beng2 kaat1cake coupon
wai4table  (with 12 people)
酒席zau2 zik6banquet feast
酒樓zau2 lau4 chinese restaurant
酒店zau2 dim3hotel
擺酒baai2 zau2 to hold a feast or banquet
簽紙cim1 zi2signing 
結婚git3 fan1 get married
gaa3 to marry a man
娶 ceoi2to marry a woman
早拍晚播zou2 paak3 maan5 bo3banquet night video of the big day
拋花球paau1 faa1 kau4toss the bouquet 
宣誓syun1 sai6recite the marriage vows
交換婚戒gaau1 wun6 fan1 gaai3exchange wedding rings 
戒子gaai3 zi2 ring
龍鳳鈪lung4 fung6 aak2wedding bracelet
dragon and phoenix bracelet