新年快樂san1 nin4 faai3 lok6Happy New Year
恭喜發財gung1 hei2 faat3 coi4Wishing you wealth and prosperity
身體健康san1 tai2 gin6 hong1Stay healthy
大吉大利daai6 gat1 daai6 lei6Good luck and may things go smoothly
龍馬精神lung4 maa5 zing1 san1As full of energy as a horse
萬事如意maan6 si6 jyu4 ji3Everything goes your way
農曆新年nung4 lik6 san1 nin4Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year
出入平安ceot1 jap6 ping4 on1 may god bless you and keep you safe
除夕ceoi4 zik6Chinese New Year’s Eve
團年飯tyun4 nin4 faan6New Year’s Eve dinner
大掃除daai6 sou3 ceoi4 spring cleaning
大年初一daai6 nin4 co1 jat1the first day of Chinese New Year
拜年baai3 nin4visit relatives and friends
利士lai6 si6red packet, red envelop